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Curriculum Overview

At The Livity School, we believe that the most appropriate approach to the curriculum starts with understanding the individual needs and abilities of our pupils from the work of Penny Lacey.


We have carefully considered what is known about best practice and research in the field of SEND education. Our curriculum is therefore influenced by a number of concepts. This includes work around engagement and motivators (Barry Carpenter) and the need for a sensory approach to learning (Joanna Grace). We use the Intensive Interaction approach (Melanie Nind And Dave Hewett) and strive to provide a total communication environment. We also make use of the SCERTS model and Zones of Regulation. We recognise the importance of mental health and well-being being at the heart of our curriculum.


​At The Livity lessons are planned around individual needs, taking into account the themes of our rolling plan. Where appropriate, this maybe aspects of a modified and adapted National Curriculum. We have devised learning ladders which can support teachers to sequence learning in subject areas where this is required. We recognise for some our pupils a more subject based approach is not appropriate, as it does not meet their learning needs. For these pupils, their learning needs are best met by an early developmental approach. Subsequently, after our adapted Early Years Curriculum our pupils will follow one of three pathways. There is flexibility between these pathways which allows pupils to move as appropriate.


- The Explorers' Curriculum: Connecting and responding.

- The Discoverers' Curriculum: A life-skills-based curriculum.

- The Adventurers' Curriculum: A modified and adapted National Curriculum: which encourages independence.  

An overview of our Curriculum across The Livity School

Early Years Foundation Stage

Encounter and Discover


Learners follow the EYFS curriculum throughout Early Years. This is a developmental curriculum, which plays a diagnostic role in establishing which of the three Livity School Curricula the child begins in year 1. The three key areas on the core EYFS curriculum are: 


  • Communication and Language

  • Physical Development

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

The Explorers' Curriculum

Connecting and Responding




  • My Communication

  • My Cognition

  • My Care and Independence

  • Me and My Community 

  • My Body 

The Discoverers' Curriculum

A Life-Skills-Based Curriculum




  • My Communication

  • My Thinking

  • Myself/My Body

  • How My World Works

  • My Creativity 

  • Me and My Community

The Adventurers' Curriculum

A modified and adapted National Curriculum, which encourages independence


  • Language and Communication

  • Maths and Finance 

  • Understanding of the World 

  • Life Skills 

  • Personal and Social Development 

  • Creative Development 

  • Physical Development and Healthy Lifestyles



At The Livity School, we recognise that every child has the potential to read, and we provide daily opportunities for children to develop this skill. We use the systematic synthetic phonics program Sounds-Write ( Whilst using the Sounds-Write resources in the phonics lesson, we are also responsive to the needs of individual pupils in how they are able to access the materials and the amount of consolidation required whilst learning.


We recognise that it is essential to ensure that every child is taught the sounds of the English alphabetic system in a structured way. As soon as pupils are confident in discriminating between a range of environmental sounds and start to explore letters and their sounds, they will be taught using the Sounds-Write program from reception onwards. Staff will teach the sounds at a pace that will allow practice and repetition but also challenge the group or individual. We will continue to teach pupils using this program from EYFS to year 6, if children are not yet secure in their phonic knowledge. For pupils who are working towards this stage they engage in shared reading, explore a range of books including tactile and experience and explore a range of sound activities. Alongside this we continue to develop their communication skills and shared attention. 


Overall Aim

Our long-term aim is to inspire a lifelong love of reading. We believe reading is central to learning. Developing a broader vocabulary and confidence in reading comprehension will empower our pupils to access our broad and ambitious curriculum. The program will further our pupils’ independence and improve their language and communication skills. 


Progress and Assessment

All of our teachers delivering phonics teaching are trained in Sounds-Write as well as support staff who facilitate phonics learning. The Lead Teacher for Communication supports teachers through coaching and moderating pupil progress weekly. Teachers assess pupils' progress each term unless a teacher feels a pupil has made progress enough to require assessment sooner. This will ensure that the children move through the phonic stages at a rate that is appropriate and meaningful for them.

Curriculum Themes

Rolling Plan​

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Learning Partners

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