Presentation about strategies to support mental health and well-being; as well as a handout about ways to support your and your child's well-being.
Presentation about toilet training, constipation and smearing; as well as information sheets about the service and also about bigger nappies. If you require a referral to the Continence Nurse, please contact the School Nurse or Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion. Our Educational Occupational Therapist also recommends the Poo Goes Home to Pooland app which might support your child to sit on the toilet to do their bowel movements.
At the end of the presentation are a few helpful links, including one for The Poo in You - Constipation and Encopresis Educational Video - Bing video'.
Educational Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) and Occupational Therapy (OT)
Delivery Model of educational therapy service at The Livity School. Educational SALT and OT are provided on a 3-Tier model where all pupils receive support directly or indirectly through universal, targeted or specialist support.